Appendix A Error Messages and Codes
Table A–11. System Status Error Messages
Table A-11.
System Status Error Messages
Message Probable Cause
1601-xx Temperature violation
1611-xx Fan failure
Table A–12. Hard Drive Error Messages
Table A-12.
Hard Drive Error Messages
Probable Cause
Message Probable Cause
17xx-01 Exceeded max. soft error limit 17xx-51 Failed I/O read test
17xx-02 Exceeded max. Hard error limit 17xx-52 Failed file I/O compare test
17xx-03 Previously exceeded max. soft error limit 17xx-53 Failed drive/head register test
17xx-04 Previously exceeded max.hard error limit 17xx-54 Failed digital input register test
17xx-05 Failed to reset controller 17xx-55 Cylinder 1 error
17xx-06 Fatal error while reading 17xx-56 Failed controller RAM diagnostics
17xx-07 Fatal error while writing 17xx-57 Failed controller-to-drive diagnostics
17xx-08 Failed compare of R/W buffers 17xx-58 Failed to write sector buffer
17xx-09 Failed to format a track 17xx-59 Failed to read sector buffer
17xx-10 Failed diskette sector wrap during read 17xx-60 Failed uncorrectable ECC error
17xx-19 Cntlr. failed to deallocate bad sectors 17xx-62 Failed correctable ECC error
17xx-40 Cylinder 0 error 17xx-63 Failed soft error rate
17xx-41 Drive not ready 17xx-65 Exceeded max. bad sectors per track
17xx-42 Failed to recalibrate drive 17xx-66 Failed to initialize drive parameter
17xx-43 Failed to format a bad track 17xx-67 Failed to write long
17xx-44 Failed controller diagnostics 17xx-68 Failed to read long
17xx-45 Failed to get drive parameters from ROM 17xx-69 Failed to read drive size
17xx-46 Invalid drive parameters from ROM 17xx-70 Failed translate mode
17xx-47 Failed to park heads 17xx-71 Failed non-translate mode
17xx-48 Failed to move hard drive table to RAM 17xx-72 Bad track limit exceeded
17xx-49 Failed to read media in file write test 17xx-73 Previously exceeded bad track limit
17xx-50 Failed I/O write test -- --
1700-xx = Hard drive ID test 1719-xx = Hard drive power mode test
1701-xx = Hard drive format test 1720-xx = SMART drive detects imminent failure
1702-xx = Hard drive read test 1721-xx = SCSI hard drive imminent failure
1703-xx = Hard drive read/write compare test 1724-xx = Net work preparation test
1704-xx = Hard drive random seek test 1736-xx = Drive monitoring test
1705-xx = Hard drive controller test 1771-xx = Pri. IDE controller address conflict
1706-xx = Hard drive ready test 1772-xx = Sec. IDE controller address conflict
1707-xx = Hard drive recalibrate test 1780-xx = Disk 0 failure
1708-xx = Hard drive format bad track test 1781-xx = Disk 1 failure
1709-xx = Hard drive reset controller test 1782-xx = Pri. IDE controller failure
1710-xx = Hard drive park head test 1790-xx = Disk 0 failure
1714-xx = Hard drive file write test 1791-xx = Disk 1 failure
1715-xx = Hard drive head select test 1792-xx = Se. controller failure
1716-xx = Hard drive conditional format test 1793-xx = Sec. Controller or disk failure
1717-xx = Hard drive ECC test 1799-xx = Invalid hard drive type
Compaq Personal Computers
Changed - November 2000