Name - Enter the name referencing the virtual service
Private IP - The server computer in the LAN (Local Area Network) that will be
providing the virtual services. If you have a Web server that you wanted Internet
users to access at all times, you would need to enable it. Web (HTTP) server is on
LAN (Local Area Network) computer HTTP uses port 80, TCP and UDP.
Name: DVR
Private IP:
Protocol Type: Both
Private Port: 80
Public Port: 80
Schedule: always
¾ The next step is to open ports within your router. Open virtual ports in
the router.
o EDR Ports to open: 80, 1111, 1600
o EDSR Ports to open: 80, 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 6666
¾ If your Internet Service Provider Blocks port 80. Simply do the following: HTTP uses port 80, TCP and UDP.
Name: DVR
Private IP:
Protocol Type: Both
Private Port: 80
Public Port: 8100
Schedule: always
¾ To access the DVR from a computer simply open Internet Explorer and
in the address bar type:
http:// IP address of your internet service provider: 8100