
9. Caratéristiques techniques
9. Technical Data
Nom du produit Transmetteur Statox 501 IR Product name Statox 501 IR Transmitter
Type 5370 063
Fabricant COMPUR Monitors, Munich
Echelle de mesure 0 - 100% UEG
Principe de mesure NDIR à 2 voies
Limite de détection 3% LIE Méthane
Affichage LED, trois digites
Temps de réponse CH
< 10s, t
< 25s
Précision (pleine échelle) < ± 2% LIE
Temps de chauffe 20 s
Spécifications atteintes après 30 min
Température d’utilisation -20°C à +44°C
Température de stockage -20°C à +60°C
Humidité 0 - 99% HR.
Pression 800 - 1100 hPa,
Déviation < ± 0,1% / hPa
Explosionsschutz EEx de IIC T5
Class instrument II 2 G
Certification BVS 04 ATEX E 006 X
24VDC (18-29VDC)
Puissance 1 Watt
Courant max. 80 mA à 24 V
Sorties 4-20 mA,Rmax 220 Ohm
Demande de service LED jaune clignote,
Sortie 2 ou 4mA
Erreu du système LED jaune allumée,
Sortie 2 ou 4mA,
erreur fatale 0 mA
Protection EN 60529 IP 67
Dimensions (LxlxP) 150x120x120mm
Instruction d’installation Capteur vers le bas et
position droite à ± 90°
Poids 3,1 kg
Matériaux PA et acier 1.4305
EMV EN 50270
Performance approuvée EN 61779-1 et -4
Type 5370 063
Manufacturer COMPUR Monitors, Munich
Measuring Range 0 - 100% LEL
Measuring principle 2-channel NDIR
Detectable limit 3% LEL Methane
Display LED, three digit
Response time, i.e. CH
< 10s, t
< 25s
Accuracy (full scale) < ± 2% LEL at RT
Warm up time 20 s
Specifications reached after 30 min
Temperature -20°C to +44°C (-4 to +112°F)
Storage Temperature -20°C to +60°C (-4 to +140°F)
Humidity 0 - 99% r.F.
Pressure range 800 - 1100 hPa,
Deviation < ± 0,1% / hPa
Approval EEx de IIC T5
Instrument class II 2 G
Certificate BVS 04 ATEX E 006 X
Voltage 24VDC (18-29VDC)
Power 1 Watt
Current max. 80 mA at 24 V
Output 4-20 mA, max. load 220 Ohm
Service request yellow LED flashing,
output 2 or 4mA
System failure yellow LED on,
output 2 or 4mA,
fatal error 0 mA
Protection class EN 60529 IP 67
Dimensions (HxWxD) ca. 150x120x120mm
Installation instructions upright position ± 90° ,
sensor downwards
Weight ca. 3,1 kg (6,8 pound)
Material PA and Steel 1.4305
EMV according to EN 50270
Performance approval EN 61779-1 and -4
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Compur Monitors se dégage de toute responsabilité pour toute utilisation
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d’utilisation de produits qui sont sous la protection d’un brevet. Les
appareils sont fabriqués par Compur Monitors GmbH & Co. KG, Munich.
Les conditions générales de vente et de service de Compur Monitors
GmbH & Co. KG sont applicables.
Specifications are subject to change without notice, and are provided only for
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are beyond our control. Therefore, the user must fully test our products and/or
information to determine suitability for any intended use, application, condition
or situation. All information is given without warranty or guarantee. Compur
Monitors disclaims any liability, negligence or otherwise, incurred in
connection with the use of the products and information. Any statement or
recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not bind
Compur Monitors. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation to
use any product in conflict with patents covering any material or device or its
use. No licence is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent.
Instruments are manufactured by Compur Monitors GmbH & Co. KG, Munich.
The General Conditions of Supply and Service of Compur Monitors GmbH &
Co. KG are applicable.