Troubleshooting l 6-13
Replacing the Heating
Elements (continued)
7 Remove the hose clamp securing the
insulated hose to the outlet of the heat-
ing element. Remove the hose.
8 Remove the hose clamps securing the
heating element to the heater inlet.
9 Remove the internal hose clamp.
10 Lift the heating element out of the enclosure.
11 Slide the insulation off the heater, or make a cut the entire length of
the insulation sleeve to aid removal.
12 Check the ID mark on the side of the heating element for kW rating
and voltage. The ID mark is on the outside of the tube near the end with the
lead wires. Make sure the kW and voltage is the same as the replacement
heating element.
13 Slide the original insulation over the new heater or, if the insulation was
cut for removal, wrap the cut insulation sleeve around the new heater and
secure it with duct tape.
14 Set the new heating element into the enclosure. Secure the heating ele-
ment to the heater inlet with the original three (3) hose clamps.
15 Connect the insulated outlet hose the the outlet of the heating element.
Secure the hose with the original hose clamp.
16 Route the hea
ting element leads to the terminal block. Connect the heat-
ing element leads to the original terminals on the terminal block. Reinstall
the electrical cover plate.
17 Reinstall the heating element cover on the enclosure.
18 Test the system to insure that the new heating element is functioning cor-
rectly (see Page 3-13, Step 3).
Note: For larger units (above 60
kW), it may be necessary to
remove the front heaters to
access the rear heaters.