
UGE014/0999 Water/Spray Tanks
The extrusion enters the water or spray compartment after
leaving the calibration tooling or a sizing tank. Simple support
and hold-down rollers ar used to hold small diameter hollow
forms in position as the extrusion passes through the tank.
Contoured support and hold-down rollers usually are required
for large hollow forms.
In a WT water tank, the extrusion is submerged in a flooded
water compartment. Water enters the compartment through a
quick fill valve or through one center-supply, drilled water
header that is mounted along the top and back side of the
compartment. The water level is controlled by a telescoping
overflow standpipe.
In the ST spray tank, the extrusion may be submerged or
held above the water.
All water enters the compartment
through four center-supply water
headers mounted at the four
corners along the full length of the
compartment. These water headers
are drilled or equipped with spray
heads. Each pair of spray headers
has its own water supply valve.
Water levels are controlled by the
setting of the standpipe. When set
low, the standpipe keeps the water
level below the extrusion. When set
high, the standpipe allows com-
plete submersion of the extrusion
in a flooded compartment.
The extrusion passes from the water or spray compartment
into an air-wipe compartment equipped with two, tubular air
wiper rings connected to compressed air. Angled holes drilled
in the wiper ring blasts air on the extrusion in the direction of
the extruder to blow off surface water. A gasket seal at the
exit of the air wipe compartment ensures the extrusion will be
dry as it reaches the puller.