
Connect Tech Blue Heat/Net Sync User Manual
68 Revision 0.03
Common Configuration Setups
Static IP Setup
In some networking environments it is best to have the IP address set to a fixed value. The
advantage is that since it is fixed, connecting to it can be a lot simpler.
Static IP is often the best choice if you are trying to connect via WAN or through a Firewall. It
can be difficult to resolve the Blue Heat/Net Sync‟s IP address if you use DHCP in this instance.
The default configuration is a static IP of In most cases this will not be the address
you want to use in your network. You can change it using two different methods:
Serial Configuration Manager (SCM)
A direct serial connection to on of the serial ports on the Blue Heat/Net Sync.
Web Configuration Manager (WCM)
Using a web browser like Internet Explorer to connect to the unit.
Refer to the manual sections for specific details on using the SCM and WCM.
You want to configure a static IP on a Blue Heat/Net Sync of The network‟s
server is at and the gateway is The subnet mask is
Using SCM
Log onto the Blue Heat/Net Sync. There is no login necessary if using SCM. The default
password for the SCM is password.
Enter net net= This will set to the server, gateway and the unit‟s IP
in one step.
Enter net my_ip=15. This will set the unit‟s IP to
Enter net server_ip=1. This will set the server IP to
Enter net gateway_ip=2. This will set the gateway IP to
Enter net subnetmask= This will set the subnet mask.
Enter net dns_ip=3. This will set the DNS IP to
Enter net dhcp=no. This will turn off DHCP on the unit.
Enter save. This will save the configuration set above to flash memory.
Enter exit. The unit will reboot using the new settings.
Using WCM
Connect to the Blue Heat/Net Sync using a web browser by entering the current IP of the unit in
the address.
Log on by supplying the username and password. The default login is wcm and the default
password is password.
Select the Blue Heat/Net Sync Settings page and fill in the server IP, Blue Heat/Net Sync IP,
Gateway IP, DNS IP and subnet mask as defined above.
Ensure the Use DHCP option is set to no
Click on the Save to Flash button to store the changes.