Condition Probable Cause Solution
Small/no burner flame Regulator failure Unplug regulator vent hole or
replace regulator.
Plugged orifice hood Unplug hole or replace orifice.
Plugged burner port Unplug burner port(s).
Small/no pilot flame Pilot valve setting Adjust flame height.
Plugged pilot tip Unplug pilot ports.
Yellow burner flame Improper air shutter setting Increase air shutter setting until
flame is blue.
Enlarged orifice hood Replace w/correct orifice.
Flame lifts off burner Improper air shutter setting Decrease air shutter setting
until flame sits on burner.
Plugged orifice hood Unplug orifice hole or replace orifice.
Improper level setting Adjust level w/feet or shims.
Too hot/cold Improper control setting Adjust control setting or replace
Improper level setting Adjust level w/feet or shims.
Too much/little lava rock Add/remove lava rock to proper
level; single layer only with air
The Connerton Company warrants to the original user for a period of one year from date of installation, not
to exceed 18 months from date of shipment by Connerton, that the equipment manufactured is free from
defects in material or workmanship.
Our obligation under this warranty shall be limited to furnishing without charge any part of said product
which, upon examination by The Connerton Company shall prove to be defective. Parts wear is not
considered a defect. The Connerton Company will not be responsible for labor or transportation charges
incidental to the replacement of same.
The Connerton Company assumes no responsibility for failure of the equipment to operate properly due to
improper installation or operation. This warranty applies to all equipment that has been unaltered, properly
installed and maintained in accordance with national and local codes and in accordance with the
installation and operating instructions included with this equipment.
This warranty does not extend to normal maintenance items, including but not limited to, air and gas
adjustments and adjustments to pilot flames. Proper installation, adjustments, and initial checkout is the
responsibility of the dealer, the owner-user or installer and not that of The Connerton Company.
Exceptions to warranty:
1) Lower lava rock broiler grates.
Please fill out and refer to the following when contacting the factory:
Model # RLRB-23- -A Serial# Gas Type: Purchase Date: