
When selecting the proper light levels for your next dealership project, first determine how much visual competition is created by adjoining properties.
The human eye is drawn to the brightest area in its field of view. In order to capture consumer attention, site lighting illuminance levels should be at
least comparable with that of neighboring establishments without being over-illuminated. If neighboring property is yet to be developed, review what
type of future growth is currently in the zoning documentation. Note IESNA competition levels associated with these common development types.
Neighboring Development IESNA Competition Level
Auto Mall/Auto City High-Enhanced
Service Stations/Convenience Store Medium-High
Large National Retailers Medium
Small Retail Centers Low
The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America [IESNA] characterizes surrounding ambient
environments as high, medium or low competition areas. Based on this competition level, an
average maintained illuminance target and a maximum allowable uniformity level are
recommended for each section of an automotive dealership.
Exterior lighting requirements continue to grow more stringent. Many states and municipalities have adopted legislation that impacts lighting design
applications. For areas requiring dark sky friendly solutions, full cutoff flat glass optical assemblies provide focused illumination with zero uplight and
minimal high angle light while retaining superior uniformity. When strict spill light control is mandated, house-side shields and application-specific
optical assemblies keep light on task. Whether the goal of your site lighting design is safety, general ambiance or highlighting feature displays, Cooper
Lighting offers application-specific optical solutions that provide the highest level of photometric performance and control.
High Competition Medium Competition Low Competition Uniformity
Area to Illuminate Maintained Level [fc] Maintained Level [fc] Maintained Level [fc] [Max.Min.]
Parking and Circulation [Non-Merchandising Area] 10 7 5 10:1
General Merchandise [Main Automotive Display Lot] 50 30 20 5:1
Featured Displays [Front Row and Display Stands] 75 50 35 3:1
Exterior site lighting provides the first impression of an automotive dealership and is an outward expression of image. During daytime hours, the form
of the exterior site light should compliment dealership architecture and tie to dealership branding. For evening operation, properly designed site
lighting entices customers, attracting business to the dealership. When developing site lighting configurations careful consideration should be given
to surrounding establishments, the image you would like to portray to customers and the impact the lighting system will have on operating costs.