. givenbelow.
• Removeoildrainplug.Catchoilina suitable
• When engine isdrained ofall oil, replace drain
plug securely.
• Refill with fresh oil. Refer to GAS AND OIL
FILL-UP section on page 9.
• Replace dipstick.
Air Cleaner
The air cleaner preventsdamaging dirt, dust,etc.,
from entering the carburetor and being forced into
the engine and is importantto engine life and
performance. For locationof air cleaner, see Figure
14 inset.
To Service Air Cleaner:
Service air cleaner cartridgeevery 25 hours of
operation or every season, whichever comes earlier.
Service more often ifyou operate the chipper-
shredder under extremely dusty conditions.
• Remove two hex screws and cover holdingthe
air cleaner cartddge in place. Remove air
cleaner assembly from inside the cover and
disassemble. See Figure 14.
Air Cover
Figure 14
"ab Base
• Wash pre-cleaner, ifso equipped, in liquid
detergent and water. Squeeze dry with a clean
cloth. Saturate in engine oil, then squeeze in
clean, absorbent clothto remove all of the
excess oil. Replace the pre-cleaner ifitisvery
dirty or damaged.
• To service cartridge, clean by tapping gentlyon
a flat surface. Do not use any oil, petroleum
solvents like kerosene, or pressurized air to
clean cartridge. Replace ifthe cartridge isvery
dirtyor damaged.
• Reassemble first the retainer on pre-cleaner
and cartridge end then the cartridge assembly
insidethe cover. Insert tabs on cover intoslots
in base and tighten the two screws eadier
Clean Engine
• Clean engine periodically. Remove dirtand
debris with a clothor brush.
• Frequently remove grass clippings, dirt and
debris from cooling fins, air intake screen and
levers and linkage. This will help ensure
adequate cooling and correct engine speed.
See Figure 15.
_ Clean here
, _ C_ean here
Figure 15
Yeady or every 25 hours, whichever occurs
first, remove the blower housing and clean the
areas shown in Figure 15 to avoid
overspeeding, overheating and engine
damage. Clean more often if necessary.
NOTE: Cleaning witha forceful spray ofwater isnot
recommended as watercould contaminate the fuel
• Remove combustion deposits every 100 hours
ofoperation. Remove the cylinder head, scrape
and wire brush such deposits from cylinder