5- To attzch the vacuum b_, _ign the grooves on the "
elbow tube with the locking t_s inside the blower
qutlet_ Figure 7 ('.reset). Be sure to align the dot on
the .elbowtubew_ththe doton the blowerhousing.
mser_ e_ow tubeintobloweroutlet;twistelbow
6. Adjustthevacuum collectionbagattheelbowtube
tO remove anytwist_Figure 8,
1. ,_r_ y_dr le_ hand hold the unit in an upright po_i.
•, _tion, supporting me Lower Vacuum .Tube on the
.._vundiFigureS. Make suvethe Blower Outlet and
. Collection Bag are pasitioned on your rlght-hand
2."Placecollectionbag strap around,y?ur back and
overyour leftshoulder.Snap collectionbag hook
' onto the strap retainer in the top handte. FigureS.
3. _ndyour right arm toward the rear of the collec-
tion bag. Figure8. •
4. Adjusttheshoulderstrapuntilthe collectionbag/
• shoulder strap seam lies _between your thumb and
indexfinger.Figure 8.
• 5.Ma_ suretheshoulderstrapisadjustedtoallowa
:f_Ylbwofairfromtheelbowtube_Figure& Ifthe _-
:-Bag iskiuked_theunitwillnotoperateproperly.
1. Stop the engine. Allow the eng_e to cool.
2. Remove the vacuum tubes and collection bag as-
l IUll l l!l. ml l , ,,,,,,
_HI II Illll' I I II I I I
Do not assemble or disassemble the.vaenum tube
W]itle the engine is framing. Ius_mg OZ"remov-
ing the va._cmtm t_ube while the engine is running
can result_ serious _ Always stop the en-
,.f_e and diseo.nnect the sp_k plug.l_ore un-
e_oggsng the .u_nt or performmgany maintenance
on _e eonee_'on ba_. ........ "
As a blower, the unit is _ to sweep debris,
_',_. __l_jn___..smalltwig_ or light snow. It can
•o__g _emic_, fe._"e_ orkuyomermaren•
als wh_ may _ntatn t_xic substanc_ A_. a vacu-
ran, the unit is demgned to pickup dry materL_ such as
leaves, grass, sm_ twigs, andbits of paper. Do not at-
any omer aeons wmc_ may cause damage _o menn_._
let. Do rot attempt to vacuwn water or any other l_.
Vasuum_" watey,or otherH_ids will cansedam-
a_. to the engine. Avoid situations that couldcatch the
coltecfion bag on-fire.Do not operatenear an open
_'D_ notvalutadiscardedtigersor_ or
a_'_rom firepisr_, barbecue pits,brush pries, etc.
1, Read your Operator's Manual, Make sure you
completelyun_d and canfollowallwarnings
and safety instructions inthe manual b_fore operat-
ingthe unit.
2. AIweys wear a respirator or facemask when
working in dusty environments.
_ys we_ eye protection to prevent rabks or
anuTacewidencaU_r_t m blb_dnessorother seri-
/3. Secure thevacutuninletcover.Makersurethatthe
4. gelast_ the blowertubesasshownin_e "Blower
Collection Bag/
Shoulder Strap
Figure 8
I !ll Illl I I I _ I!! ............. I
"4,r _Ways Wear heav_ long pants, boots_ and
gloves. Do not go fba_.e_._,t or _._ pan._,
_anda_ jewelry,loo_ elo__'g with
looselylmuging_t]es_ tas_ls, etc. Secu_hair
soit is ab0_e shoulderlength.Beingfully covered
help protect you tYom pieces oftoxic plants such
as poison ivy thrown by the blade, which co_d be
more of a hazard than touching the plan..titsott
5. Cheek the unit before each operahon. Look
forworn,loose, missing, ordamaged l_arts.Do not
debris and object__, wire_-
large sticks, etc., that can caUSe damage dm-ing op_
• eration.