Difficult starting Stale fuel Drain fuel tank, Fill with fresh
or Defective spark plug Clean and re-gap spark plug
Clogged fuel line Replace fuel filter
Engine runs
erractically Blocked fuel line or empty fuel tank Clean fuel line; check gas tank
Carburetor out of adjustment Have carburetor adjusted
Fouled spark plug Clean and adjust gap, replace
Clogged air c!.eanet'' Replace air filter
Jammed due to foreign object Clear obstruction
Cutting blade fails
to turn Loose blade Tighten blade retaining nut
Defective belt Replace V-belt
Defective quill bearidgs Replace the bearings
Blade fails to cut Damaged or worn blade Replace blade
proper y
!Excessive vibra- Loose parts Stop engine immediately; tighten
!tion all bolts, If vibration continues,
" take the unit into the nearest
• :.: Craftsman Service Center
Engine will not Hand ehardware s:.h0t cutt ng into Tighten bolts until the head of th_
shut off when en- tube bolt cuts into the tubing
glne control lever
is released