CAUTISN! Alcohol-blendedfuels (calledgasohoI,ethanol or
methanol) can attract moisture, which ieadsto separation and
formation of acids during storage,Acidic gascan damagethe
fuei system of an enginewhiie in storage,
Toavoidengineproblems,thefuel systemshouldbetreated
with a fuel preserver or emptiedbeforestorageof 30 daysor
longer,if adding a fuel preserver,fiii the fuel tank with fresh
fuel. if only partialiy tiffed, air in thetank wiii promote fuel
deterioration during storage, if fuei preserver is not used,
drainthe fueltank,start theengineand let it run untiithe fuel
linesand carburetorareempty. Usefresh fuelnext season.See
Storagefor additionaiinformation.
NEVERuseengine or carburetor cleanerproducts in the fuel
tank as permanent damagemay occur.
Fresh StarlTM Fuel Cap
Adding fuel preserver helps keepfuei fresh and carburetors
cieanfor easierstarting, ali season iong. This newfuel cap
automatically drips concentrated fuel preserver into your fuel
contact to eyes,skin or c!othing. DONOTtake
internaiiy.Avoid breathingthe mist or vapor.
Overexposureto eyesor skin can causeirritation.
Keepstabilizerout of the reachof chiidren.
Fueistabiiizer is a hazardouschemical.**
If SWALLOWED,callphysicianimmediately.
h_thecaseof anemergency,contacta physicianimmediately
andcall1-800-424-9300for materialsafetyinformation.
*Fuel stabilizer contains: 2.6-di-tret-butylphenol (128-39-2) and aliphatic petroleum
distillate (64742-47-8),
1. Placecartridge into fuel cap.
3. Removetab to expose membrane.
IMPORTANT:DONOTremove the silver foil seal on the
opposite side.
4. Reinstallfuei cap on fuel tank.
5. Periodicaliy checkthe cartridge to ensurethere is stiil
fuel preserver inside. If it is empty, removecartridge
and replace.
At altitudes over 5,000 feet (1524 meters), a minimum
85 octane / 85 AKI (89 RON)gasoline is acceptable.To
remainemissions compiiant, high aititude adjustment is
required. Operationwithout this adjustment wiii cause
decreasedperformance, increasedfuel consumption, and
increasedemissions. Seea qualified Searsdealerfor high
altitude adjustment information. Operationof the engine at
altitudes below 2,500 feet (762 meters)with the high altitude
kit is not recommended.
2. Pushto "snap" cartridge into place.