NGRATULATIONS on your purchase
I new tractor. It has been designed,
]ineered and manufactured to give
the best possible dependability and
_uld you experience any problem you
mot easily remedy, please contact a
_rs or other qualified service center.
have competent, well-trained techni-
ns and the proper tools to service or
air this tractor.
ase read and retain this manual. The
tructions will enable you to assemble
Jmaintain your tractor properly. Always
_erve the "SAFETY RULES".
lead and observe the safety rules.
--ollow a regular schedule in main-
aining, caring for and using your tractor.
-'ollow the instructions under "Mainte-
lance" and "Storage" sections of this
)wner's manual.
WARNING; This tractor is equipped
h an internal combustion engine and
)uld not be used on or near any unim-
wed forest-covered, brush-covered or
=ss-covered land unless the engine's
laust system is equipped with a spark
ester meeting applicable local or state
/s (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it
_uld be maintained in effective working
ler by the operator.
Lhestate of California the above is re-
ired by law (Section 4442 of the Califor-
LPublic Resources Code). Other states
[yhave similar laws. Federal laws apply
federal lands. A spark arrester for the
iffler is available through your near-
LSears service center (See REPAIR
RTS section of this manual).
Congratulations on making a smart pur-
chase. Your new Craftsman_ product is
designed and manufactured for years of
dependable operation. But like all products,
it may require repair from time to time. That's
when having a Repair Protection Agreement
can save you money and aggravation.
Purchase a Repair Protection Agreement
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Here's what's included in the Agreement:
• Expert service by our 12,000 profe-
sional repair specialists.
• Unlimited service and no charge for
parts and labor on all covered repairs.
• Product replacement if your covered
product can't be fixed.
• Discount of 10% from regular price of
service and service-related parts not
covered by the agreement; also, 10%
off regular price of preventive mainte-
nance check.
• Fast help by phone - phone support
from a Sears technician on products
requiring in-home repair, plus conve-
nient repair scheduling.
Once you purchase the Agreement, a
simple phone call is all that it takes for you
to schedule service. You can call anytime
day or night, or schedule a service ap-
pointment online.
Sears has over 12,000 professional repair
specialists, who have access to over 4.5
million quality parts and accessories.
That's the kind of professionalism you can
count on to help prolong the life of your
new purchase for years to come. Purchase
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Some limitations and exclusions apply.
For prices and additional information
call 1-800-827-6655.
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