FILL IN DATES _t,O_/_,_,_O"j_.
Check Operator Presence and
T Veer_ckSystems I/
R Check for Loose Fasteners (l_ V_7 iJl_
A S_arPe_Rep'_eM°wor_ades _"
T LubricatToncharZ
0 Checkeatte,yLeve_ !_,
R _esn B=te,y_ Termi_ds _ V'
Check Transaxle Cooling
Adjust Blade Belt(s) Tension I_s
Adjust MotionDrive Belt(s) Tension _s
CheckEnC.eo, L_v_ _ V'
changeE,_ OH _ V'
E CleanAirFilter _V':
N CleanAirScreen
! G InspectMuffler/SparkArrester t,/
Repl=,o,Fi,.(,.qui_,_ !_,_,,
N Clesn Engine Cooling
Replace Spark Plug I_'
Replace Air Filter Paper Cartridge V'=
Replace Fusl Filter ll_
1 - Change more oltb'_ when operatic; under _ heavy load _- In high _ i_._, S - Jfequipped wNh ad_dtable sy_
2 - S_;ce mo_ _ten whenop_ indktyo_du=tyconditions. 6 - NotrequiredI _oped wl_ _me battery.
3 - ]1equ_ witho_flte_,changeog_er/50 bo_rs. 7 - TightenIm_ttmobplv_ boltIo _5 It..Ibs.m_m.
4- Relfar,eb_d_ mot=Dire.wh_mmowingb uno_ _oa, DOr_ ove_0hte_
The warranty on this tractor does not cover o'rie Rod BallJoints
items that have been subjected to operator eSpindle Zerk---- L
abuse or negligence. To receive full value
from the warranty, operator must maintain eFront------H_l:ll
tractor as instructed in this manual. Some Wheel _.L__
adjustments will need to be made periodi-
cally to properly maintain your tractor.
All adjustments in the Service and
Adjustments section of this manual should
be checked at least once each season.
• Once a year you should replace the
spark plug, clean or replace air filter, and
check blades and belts for wear. A new
spark plug and clean air filter assure
proper air-fuel mixture and help your
engine run better and last longer.
BEFORE EACH USE eGeneralPurposeGrease
• Check engine oil level. @Refer to Maintenance "ENGINE" Section
Check brake operation.
• Check tire pressure. IMPORTANT: Do not oil or grease the pivot points
• Check operator presence and interlock which have special nylon bearings. Viscous lubd-
systems for proper operation, cants will attract dust and dirt that will shorten the
life of the self-lubricatingbearings. If you feel they
• Check-fo_" loose fasteners, must be Jubricated, use only a dry, powdered
graphite type lubricantsparingly.
_ _-_eSpindle Zerk
_Ft"" eFront
_'__'." Wheel
Bearing L Bearing
eSteedng._ _"_
Sector t eEngine
Gear Teeth i _._ _:"
OSpray Siliconelubdant (Move Boots to Lubricate)