NOTE: Beforestarting,read the warmand
cold startingproceduresbelow.
6. Insert keyintoignition and turn key
clockwiseto start positionand release
keyas soon as enginestarts. Do
not runstarter continuouslyfor more
thanfifteen secondsper minute.If the
enginedoes not startafter several
attempts,push chokecontrol in, wait
a few minutesand try again.If engine
still does not start, pullthe chokecon-
trol out and retry.
7. Whenengine starts,slowlypush choke
control in untilthe engine beginsto
runsmoothly.If the enginestartsto
runroughly,pullthe chokecontrolout
slightlyfor a fewsecondsand then
continueto push the control inslowly.
• The attachmentsand grounddrivecan
now be used.If the enginedoes not
acceptthe load, restartthe engine and
allowit to warm upforone minuteusing
the chokeas describedabove.
7. Whenengine starts,slowlypush choke
control in untilthe engine beginsto run
smoothly.Continueto pushthe choke
control in smallsteps allowingthe en-
gine to acceptsmallchangesinspeed
and load, untilthe chokecontrolis fully
in.If the enginestartsto run roughly,
pull the chokecontrol out slightlyfor
a few secondsandthencontinueto
push the controlinslowly.This may
requirean enginewarm-upperiodfrom
severalsecondsto severalminutes,
dependingon the temperature.
NOTE: In extremecoldconditions,if
enginewill notstart you mayneedto dis-
engagethe motiondrive beltas follows:
1. Besure parkingbrake is engaged.
2. Removeretainerspringfromthe drive
belt tensionhandleto relievebeltten-
3. Start engineandallow it to warm up
for three (3) minutes.
4. Shut-offengine and engageparking
5. Engagedrive belttensionhandleand
replacethe retainerspring.
Beforedrivingthe unitin coldweather,
the transmissionshouldbe warmedupas
1. Be surethe tractoris on levelground.
2. Placethe motioncontrolleverin
neutral.Releasethe parkingbrakeand
let the brakeslowlyreturnto operating
3. Allowone minutefortransmissionto
warmup.This can be doneduringthe
enginewarm up period.
• The attachmentscan be used during
the engine warm-upperiodafter the
transmissionhasbeenwarmed upand
mayrequirethe choke controlbe pulled
out slightly.
NOTE: If at a highaltitude (above3000
feet) or in coldtemperatures(below32 F)
the carburetorfuel mixturemay needto
be adjustedfor best engineperformance.
ServiceandAdjustmentssection ofthis
_CAUTION: Neverengage or disengage
freewheelleverwhilethe engineis run-
Toensureproperoperationand per-
formance,it is recommendedthat the
transmissionbe purgedbeforeoperating
tractorforthe first time.This procedurewill
removeanytrappedair insidethe trans-
missionwhichmay havedevelopedduring
shippingof yourtractor.
IMPORTANT: Shouldyour transmission
requireremovalfor service or replace-
ment, itshouldbe purgedafterreinstall-
ation beforeoperatingthe tractor.
1. Placetractor safely on levelsurface
withengine off and parkingbrakeset.
2. Disengagetransmissionby plac-
ing freewheelcontrolin disengaged
sectionof manual).
3. Sittingin the tractorseat, start engine.
Afterthe engine is running,move
throttlecontrolto slow position.Disen-
gage parkingbrake.
4. Movemotioncontrol leverto full
forwardpositionandhold for five (5)
seconds.Moveleverto full reverse
positionand holdforfive (5) seconds.
Repeatthis procedurethree (3)times.
NOTE: Duringthis steptherewill be no
movementof drivewheels.The air is being
removedfromhydraulicdrive system.