• Removegas-poweredequipmentfrom
the truck or trailer and refuel it on the
ground. Ifthis is not possible,then
refuel suchequipmentwith a portable
container,ratherthan from a gasoline
dispenser nozzle.
• Keepthe nozzle in contactwith the rim
of the fuel tank or containeropening at
all times until fueling is complete. Do
not use a nozzlelock-opendevice.
• If fuel is spilledon clothing,change
clothing immediately.
• Neveroverfill fuel tank. Replacegas
cap and tighten securely.
• Never run machineinsidea closed area.
• Never make adjustmentsor repairs with
spark plug wire, and keep the wire away
from plug to prevent accidentalstarting.
• Keep nuts andbolts, especially blade
attachmentbolts, tight and keep equip-
ment in good condition.
• Never tamperwith safetydevices. Check
their properoperationregularly.
• Keep machine free of grass, leaves, or
otherdebrisbuild-up.Cleanoil orfuelspill-
age.Allowmachineto coolbeforestoring.
• Stop and inspectthe equipment if you
strike an object. Repair,if necessary,
before restarting.
• Never attempt to makewheel height
adjustmentswhile the engine is running.
• Grass catcher componentsare subject
to wear, damage, anddeterioration,
which could expose moving partsor
allowobjects to be thrown.Frequently
check componentsandreplacewith
when necessary.
• Mower blades are sharp and can cut.
Wrap the blade(s)or wear gloves, and
use extra cautionwhen servicingthem.
• Do not changethe enginegovernor set-
ting or overspeedthe engine.
• Maintainor replacesafety and instruc-
tion labels, as necessary.
AWARNING: This lawn mower is equippedwith an internalcombustionengine and
should not be used on or near any unimprovedforest-covered,brush-coveredor
grass-coveredland unlessthe engine's exhaustsystem is equippedwith a spark
arrester meetingapplicablelocalor state laws (if any). If a spark arresteris used, it
should be maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.
In the stateof Californiathe above is required by law (Section4442 of the California
Public ResourcesCode). Other states may havesimilar laws. Federallaws applyon
federal lands. A spark arresterfor the muffler is available throughyour nearest Sears
Parts & RepairCenter(Seethe REPAIRPARTSsection of this manual).
Serial Number:
Dateof Purchase:
GasolineCapacity/Type: 1.6Quarts (UnleadedRegular)
Oil Capacity: 20 Ounces
Oil Type (APISG-SL): SAE 30 (above32°F); SAE 5W-30(below32°F)
SparkPlug: ChampionRC12YC(Gap: .030")
Blade BoltTorque: 35-40 ft. Ibs.
The model and serial numberswill befound on a decal on the rear of the lawn mower
housing. Recordbothserial numberand date of purchaseinspace provided above.