
GT-80D QuadraDrive
18: HIGH: Adjust the Clean Channel’s high frequency output with this control: in the center position the high fre-
quency output will be “flat” (no boost or cut). Turning the control to the left reduces the high frequency output; turn-
ing it to the right increases the high frequency output. The High control covers a range of 30dB at 10kHz, which
allows you to adjust the crispness or the “bite” of your guitar.
19: CLEAN LED: This LED glows green when the Clean Channel is chosen, and along with LED #9, gives you a
visual sign that the Clean gains, tone controls and volume control are active.
20: VOLUME: Adjust the output level of the Clean Channel with this control: in the full-left position there is no out-
put. As you rotate the control to the right you increase the strength of the Clean Channel’s signal going into the
power amp, thus increasing the output volume. The signal level for the Line Out jack (see #31, rear panel) is simul-
taneously affected by this control.
The Digital Sound Processor (DSP):
Given below is a brief description of the Digital Sound Processors controls. For complete infor-
mation on the use and functions of the Digital Sound Processor, please see pages 8 through 11.
21: LED: This LED indicator glows when the Digital Sound Processor is active, indicating the presence of a
processed signal.
22: MODE: Select the type of digital sound processing effect with this control. Each preamp and channel setting
will “remember” its setting, allowing you to switch between channels and preamps (Tube/Solid State) without hav-
ing to reset the Mode control. For a complete listing of the different effects and their corresponding settings,
see Using the Mode Control on page 8.
23: LEVEL: Adjust the amount of digital sound processing effect with this control: in the full-left position the out-
put signal is “dry” (no reverb or effect); rotating the control to the right increases the amount of effect.
24: ON LED: The word “ON” will glow red when you turn the GT-80D on, showing you that the amplifier is acti-
vated and ready to play.
25: POWER: This heavy-duty rocker-type switch is used to turn the amplifier ON in the left position, OFF in the
right position. The ON LED (#24) works with this switch as a visual indicator.
* * * Please refer to the illustration on page 4. * * *