Focus/Zoom Control Interface Crestron CNXFZ
CNXFZ Indicators
Two indicators are located on the CNXFZ front panel. Both have a silk-screened
label. Refer to the illustration shown in “CNXFZ Ports” on page 3 and the
descriptions after this paragraph.
This LED illuminates when 24 VDC is supplied to the CNXFZ.
This LED illuminates when communication between the control system and the
CNXFZ is established. Illumination indicates that the SIMPL program currently
loaded has a network device defined at the same NET ID as the CNXFZ.
Function not defined at time of printing. LED installed for future use.
CNXFZ Buttons
Five buttons are located on the CNXFZ front panel. The purpose of these buttons is
to permit local manual operation of lens focus and zoom functions when installing
the unit. Each has a silk-screened label. Refer to the illustration shown in “CNXFZ
Ports” on page 3 and the descriptions after this paragraph.
These buttons provide manual focus inward or outward control of the camera lens.
ZOOM ∧ (IN) / ZOOM ∨ (OUT)
These buttons provide manual zoom inward or outward control of the camera lens.
Function not defined at time of printing. Button installed for future use.
Leading Specifications
The table below and on the next page provides a summary of leading specifications
for the CNXFZ. Dimensions and weights are rounded to the nearest hundredth unit.
Leading Specifications of the CNXFZ
Power Requirements
24 VDC, 2.5A; 60 Watts
Default Network ID
SIMPL™ Windows®
Version 1.30.01 or later*
CNX Operating System
Version 5.01.21x or later
CNX Monitor
Version 2.05x or later
CNMS, CNRACK, CNLCOMP Operating System
Version 3.18.09 or later
ST-CP Operating System
Version 4.00.49 or later
ST-CP Monitor
Version 1.29 or later
VisionTools™ Pro (VT Pro)
Version 1.21 or later*
Crestron Database
Version 11.7.211 or later*
* The latest software versions can be obtained from the Software Downloads page (Simplwin,
Touchpnl, and Cresdb Libraries) of the Crestron website (www.crestron.com). New users are
required to register in order to obtain access to the FTP site.
6 • CNX Focus/Zoom Control Interface: CNXFZ Operations Guide - DOC. 5753