FlipTop Computer Center Crestron QM-FTCC
QM-FTCC Symbol – Detail View of Buttons
QM-FTCC Buttons – Signal Descriptions
Digital Outputs:
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press1>, <Press6>
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press2>, <Press7>
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press3>, <Press8>
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press4>, <Press9>
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press5>, <Press10>
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press11>, <Press16>
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press12>, <Press17>
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press13>, <Press18>
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press14>, <Press19>
Button presses/vertical pair
<Press15>, <Press20>
Indicates that the corresponding button has been
pressed. The signal remains high for the duration
of the button press.
If the FlipTop cover is not fully open the buttons
are disabled and the unit will not report any button
presses, and will release any button that is already
pressed. The status of the cover is given by the
<FlipTopOpen> output.
If two buttons are combined to form one larger
button, the same signal should be attached to both
button presses.
High/1 = Button pressed; Low/0 = Button released
Digital Inputs:
<fb1> through <fb20>
Activates the corresponding LED for as long as the
input is high.
If two buttons are combined, then only the LED for
the top button in the vertical pair will be visible.
High/1 (level sensitive) = Activate LED feedback;
Low/0 = Turn off LED
Continued on the following page
40 • FlipTop Computer Center: QM-FTCC Operations & Installation Guide - DOC. 6313A