Crestron Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit
NOTE: Depending on the browser you are using and its security settings, you may
see a message when you click View Results. For example, with Internet Explorer
you may see a message that says “To help protect your security, Internet Explorer
has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer.
Click here for options…” (refer to illustration that follows this note). When you
enable, you will see the full graphic. This will occur for the “DRAFT” view, not
after the results have been saved permanently.
Warning Message in Internet Explorer
Save the MultEQ
XT Filters
If you are satisfied with the MultEQ
XT filters, click the Save Permanently to
Crestron button. This action may take several minutes. The status bar will indicate
the progress of this action (refer to illustration below).
Save Results Screen (Shown in Progress)
After saving the MultEQ
XT filters, you will see a “Calibration Completed”
message and can leave the application by clicking Close in the lower right corner of
the window.
Operations Guide – DOC. 6565A Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit • 13