Chapter 1: Crown Amplifi ers In-Depth 5
Amplifi er Application Guide
In This Chapter
• Rack Cooling
• System Wiring
• Amplifi er Load Impedance
• Multi-Way Systems
• Distributed Speaker Systems
• Setting System Gain Structure
his chapter provides information to help you get optimum performance
from your Crown amplifi er. It is a collection of techniques that can help
you avoid many of the common problems that plague sound systems. For
further study on many of these topics, refer to the recommended publications
listed in the Appendix.
1.1 Rack Cooling
When installing your Crown amp in a rack, you should take steps to make
sure that the temperature of the rack stays in a safe range. Crown amps with
fan-assisted cooling and convection-only cooling may require different tech-
niques for best performance.
When designing your rack
cooling system, you should
consider the requirements
for all mounted components.
1.1.1 Fan-Assisted
If your Crown amplifi er uses
fan-assisted cooling, make
sure that the front vents and/
or fi lters are never blocked,
and that the exhaust fan
(vented out the back or
Chapter 1
Crown Amplifi ers In-Depth
Figure 1.1
Top View of Rack-
Mounted Amplifi er with
Side Vents