To cut the straight sections listed above refer to Figure 7.31 and the following instructions:
a) Determine the required length of the outer pipe. When doing this allow an additional 1” of length for insertion
into the female end of the adjoining pipe. Mark the cut line on the outer pipe.
b) Remove the plastic inner pipe by pulling it out from the female end.
c) Cut the OUTER PIPE ONLY at the point marked in Step (a) using aviation shears, a hacksaw, or an abrasive
wheel cutter. Be careful to cut the pipe square. De burr the cut end with a file or emery cloth.
d) Make an insertion mark 1” from the male end of the outer pipe.
e) Cut the plastic inner pipe so that it will protrude 3/8” beyond the male end of the outer pipe when reinstalled
in the outer pipe. Use a fine tooth hacksaw or a PVC saw to cut the plastic pipe and be careful to cut the pipe
square. De burr the cut edge of the plastic pipe with a file, razor blade, or fine sandpaper.
f) Reinstall the inner pipe.