Horizontal / Counterflow Furnace Setup
The horizontal / counterflow furnace is shipped from the factory upright for vertical
installation (counterflow configuration). If the furnace is to be installed lying down on the
right-hand or left-hand side (horizontal configuration), the positions of the oil burner and
the fan and limit control thermostat may have to be changed. The horizontal furnace
may be turned end for end, or rotated, making the top into the bottom, as shown in
Figure 6. Refer to the following instructions for installing the oil burner and thermostat.
Figure 6: A horizontal furnace rotated 180° (or flipped end for end) to reverse
airflow direction
1) When the furnace is installed in the horizontal configuration, the oil burner
must be mounted in an upright position. It will be necessary to cutoff one (1) of
the threaded burner-mounting studs before attempting to install the burner. Trial
fit the burner to the burner mounting plate to determine which stud to remove. (A
rotary tool with a cutting (abrasive) disk or a hacksaw should work well to remove
the stud.) A machine screw (furnished with the parts package) will substitute for
the removed stud and provide a third point to secure the burner flange to the
burner mounting plate. Thread the screw through the burner-mounting flange and
into the open hole within the burner mounting plate.
2) Install the flange gasket and the burner on the mounting plate threaded studs.
Using fasteners supplied in the parts bag with each furnace [use two (2) or three
(3) 5/16 in. brass hex nuts and flat washers, as required], secure the burner to
the mounting studs on the burner mounting plate.
3) Secure the electrical conduit of the wiring harness to the oil burner junction box
(or for the Riello burner, the burner enclosure back plate) with the hardware