NOTICE: A qualified heating contractor MUST inspect the heat exchanger in this
furnace at least once a year. If heavy deposits are found, immediate cleaning is
All heat exchanger surfaces should be as clean as possible for the most efficient
operation of the furnace. The heat exchanger may require cleaning after every heating
season, as combustion of fuel oil tends to produce soot, particulate matter, and scale,
due to corrosion. These materials coat the inner walls of the heat exchanger. This
coating reduces the heat transfer effectiveness of the heat exchanger and can hinder
the flow of flue gases from the furnace.
NOTICE: Accumulation of heavy soot deposits over one heating season may
indicate the oil burner is out of adjustment.
The heat exchanger may be inspected and cleaned through two (2) access, or cleanout,
ports located in the burner compartment, on highboy and lowboy models, or protruding
through the front casing panel, on the horizontal/counterflow model. Each cleanout port
consists of a 2-inch O.D. tube closed by a pressed-in cap, refer to Figure 9.
Figure 9: Location and Design of the Highboy Heat Exchanger Cleanout Ports
Using a screwdriver, or a large pair of adjustable jaw pliers, remove each cleanout port
cap. With the aid of a portable light source, peer into the heat exchanger. As much as
possible, loosen all material and deposits clinging to the heat exchanger walls using
wire brushes, or any suitable tool. Collect and remove this material by hand or with the
assistance of a vacuum cleaner and a nozzle-type attachment.