Shredding (using the Reversible Slicing/Shredding Disc)
• AlwaysuseHighspeedwhenshredding.
• Alwayspackfoodinthefeedtubeevenlytoshred.Somefoods,
like hard vegetables, need firm pressure on the feed tube, while
softer foods need light pressure.
• Toshredleafyvegetableslikelettuceorspinach:Rollleaves
together and stand up in feed tube. Process with even pressure.
• Whenshreddingcheese,besurethatthecheeseiswellchilled
before shredding.
The work bowl, cover, pusher, chopping blade, and slicing/shredding
disc are top-shelf dishwasher safe. When placing parts in your
dishwasher, insert the work bowl upside down. Remember where
you place the sharp blade and disc, and be certain to unload the
dishwasher carefully.
The work bowl collar is not immersible. To clean, just wipe with a
damp cloth.
If you wash the blades and discs by hand, do it carefully. Avoid
leaving them in soapy water where they may disappear from sight.
To clean the metal blade, fill the work bowl with soapy water, hold
the blade by its plastic center and move rapidly up and down on the
center shaft of the bowl. Use of a spray hose is also effective.
If necessary, use a brush.
The work bowl should not be placed in a microwave oven.
Store the chopping blade and slicing/shredding disc as you would
sharp knives – out of the reach of children.
This warranty supersedes all previous warranties on the Cuisinart
SmartPower Duet
Deluxe 600-Watt Blender/Food Processor. This
warranty is available to consumers only. You are a consumer if you
own a Cuisinart
SmartPower Duet
Deluxe 600-Watt Blender/
Food Processor that was purchased at retail for personal, family, or
household use. Except as otherwise required under applicable state
law, this warranty is not available to retailers or other commercial
purchasers or owners. We warrant that your Cuisinart
Deluxe 600-Watt Blender/Food Processor will be free of
defects in material or workmanship under normal home use for three
years from the date of original purchase.
We recommend that you visit our website, www.cuisinart.com for
a fast, efficient way to complete your product registration. However,
product registration does not eliminate the need for the consumer
to maintain the original proof of purchase in order to obtain the war-
ranty benefits. In the event that you do not have proof of purchase
date, the purchase date for purposes of this warranty will be the
date of manufacture.
If your unit should prove to be defective within the warranty period,
we will repair it or, if we think it necessary, replace it. To obtain
warranty service, please call our Consumer Service Center toll-free
at 1-800-726-0190 or write to: Cuisinart, 7811 North Glen Harbor
Blvd., Glendale, AZ 85307.
To facilitate the speed and accuracy of your return, please enclose
$10.00 for shipping and handling of the product. Please also be sure
to include a return address, daytime phone number, description of
the product defect, product serial number (stamped on bottom of
product base), and any other information pertinent to the product’s
return. Please pay by check or money order. (California residents
need only supply proof of purchase and should call 1-800-726-0190
for shipping instructions.)
NOTE: For added protection and secure handling of any Cuisinart
product that is being returned, we recommend you use a traceable,
insured delivery service. Cuisinart cannot be held responsible for
in-transit damage or for packages that are not delivered to us. Lost
and/or damaged products are not covered under warranty.
Your Cuisinart
SmartPower Duet
Deluxe 600-Watt Blender/Food
Processor has been manufactured to strict specifications and has