• Addliquidingredientsfirst,thenfollowwithsolidingredients.
This will provide more consistent blending and prevent
unnecessary stress on the motor.
• Itisrecommendedthatmostfoodsbecutinto½to1-inch
pieces to achieve the most uniform result.
• Forbestresultsinthefastesttime,pulseafewtimesbefore
running continuously. Pulses should be short bursts with about
1 second in between each one to allow the blade to stop
rotating between pulses.
• Ifyouwanttoaddingredientsduringtheblendingprocess,
remove the pour lid and drop or pour ingredients through the
opening at the top.
• Tocrushice,putnomorethan1trayofstandardicecubes
(12 to 14 cubes) into the blender jar at one time. Pulse on High
until uniformly crushed.
• Whenmakinghotsoups,addasmallamountofthehotliquid
to the blender jar first, and then follow with some of the solids.
Pulse ingredients and then run on Low. You can always thin it
out more by carefully adding liquid through the opening at the
top of the cover.
• Iffoodstickstothesidesofthejarwhenblending,stopthe
blender, carefully scrape down the food, replace cover and pulse
in short bursts to combine.
• Whenblendingthickermixtures,lightlyholddowntopofblender
jar to prevent jumping.
• Donotattempttomashwhitepotatoesorkneadbreaddoughin
the blender.
• Whenusingthetravelcup,ingredientsareputinthereverse
the travel cup first (ice cubes, frozen fruit) and finish with the
softer ingredients and liquids.
• Itisrecommendedthatmostfoodsbecutinto½-inchto
1-inch pieces to achieve the most uniform result.
• Forbestresultsinthefastesttime,pulseafewtimesbefore
running continuously. Pulses should be short bursts with about
1 second in between each one to allow the blade to stop
rotating between pulses.
• Tocrushice,putasmanyas6icecubesintothetravelcupat
one time. Pulse on High until uniformly crushed.
• Iffoodstickstothesidesofthecupwhenblending,stopthe
blender, carefully scrape down the food, replace cover and pulse
in short bursts to combine.
• Whenblendingthickermixtures,lightlyholddowntopoftravel
cup to prevent jumping.
• Afterblending,flipthetravelcupoversothattheblade
assembly is on the top. Gently tap the cup on the counter a few
times to prevent any spillage. Remove the blade assembly and
replace with one of the provided lids.
• Allbeveragerecipesinthebookletareportionedforthetravel
cup. If you wish to make more servings, simply double the
recipe and prepare in the blender jar. Be sure to reverse the
order of ingredients when doing so.
• Itisrecommendedthatmostfoodsbecutinto½to1-inch
pieces to achieve a more uniform result.
• Donotoverloadthecup;youwillgetinconsistentresultsand
possibly harm the motor or blade. Please refer to the food chart
on page 2 for maximum amounts.
• Duetothepowerfulmotorintheunit,itisrecommendedto
lightly hold down the top of the chopping cup with one hand
during use.
• Forbestresultsinthefastesttime,pulseafewtimesbefore
running continuously. Pulses should be short bursts with about
1 second in between each one to allow the blade to stop
rotating between pulses.
• Resultsareusuallyachievedinsecondsratherthanminutes,so
keep a close eye on the foods to prevent over-processing.
• Whengrindingnuts,usequickpulsesonHigh.Pulsetoachieve
chopped nuts.
• Tomakenutbutters,werecommendusingnomorethan
and lightly tap to knock the food down from the side walls of
the cup. Return to base and process on Low, scraping down as
necessary if the nuts are not being brought into the blade.