5. Allow at least a few inches of bag
material between the bag contents
and the top of the bag. Then leave
at least one additional inch of bag
material for each time you plan to
reuse the bag.
6. Save money by buying foods in
bulk like meats and vegetables and
vacuum seal to keep fresher longer.
Prep foods before sealing so that
they will be ready to go.
7. Remember that softer foods should
be frozen slightly before vacuumed
and stored in freezer. Examples
would be baked goods, soft fruits
and vegetables and cooked dishes
like pre-portioned leftover foods.
8. To keep track of dates, you can write
on the white stripe on the bag with
permanent marker.
9. Save and freeze leftovers! Portion
leftovers like lasagna and casseroles
into proper serving sizes and vacuum
and freeze so that they are ready to
defrost and serve with ease. Softer
foods like pastas should be slightly
frozen rst so that they do not lose
their shape when vacuum sealed.
10. Seal and save fresh squeezed citrus
juices. Freeze rst in ice cube trays
and then vacuum seal cubes to keep
in freezer for future use.
11. Make cookie dough and scoop
into individual portions. Freeze the
scoops and then vacuum for cookies
ready to be baked at anytime.
12. Think of your vacuum sealer before
you travel. Vacuum seal food when
hiking, camping or even the long car
trip. Toiletries can even be sealed so
that they will not leak in a suitcase.
13. Make instant ice packs by sealing
a bag lled with water and then
keeping in the freezer.
14. Do not create your own side seams
on bags.
15. Perishables still need to be
refrigerated or frozen. Any frozen
foods that are sealed should be
stored in the freezer until ready to
defrost and use.
16. When vacuum sealing items with
sharp edges, protect bags from
punctures by wrapping items in a
soft, cushioning material such as
a paper towel. You may want to
use a canister instead of a bag.
17. When using accessories, leave
one inch of space at the top of
the canister and make sure to
lock the unit before vacuuming.
Unlock the unit when nished.
18. Always store unit in an unlocked