
Put pieces into work
bowl with metal blade in
place. You can put in up
to 1 cup of food at a
time. If you want to
process more, do it in
2. Put on cover and lock it.
Insert pusher. Press con-
trol switch down to
PULSE position, then
release it. Repeat two or
three times. Each time
blade stops, let food
pieces drop to bottom of
bowl before pulsing
again. This ensures that
the blade will chop them
at every pulse.
Watch what happens to
food. With pulse/chop-
ping technique, you can
get an even chop without
danger of overprocess-
ing. Check texture by
looking through work
bowl. Be careful not to
For a coarse chop, pulse
only a few times.
3. If you want a finer chop
or purée, move control
switch up to ON and let
machine run continuous-
ly until food is chopped
as fine as you want it.
Check frequently through
clear cover or bowl to
avoid chopping too fine.
Use spatula to scrape
down any pieces that
stick to inside of bowl.
Onions and other food
with a high water content
turn into a smooth purée
very quickly. Do not over-
chop — look at food
frequently through
work bowl.
To purée, follow same
procedure as for chop-
ping, but let machine run
until food is a smooth
New users are often
surprised at how fast the
processor works. You will
quickly get used to its
great speed.
These are some conditions
that affect your results:
size of pieces you put
in bowl – all should be
about the same
amount of food you
process – don’t add too
much at a time
type of processing
you choose – continuous
or pulse/chopping
Adding Food While
When you want to add liq-
uid while machine is run-
ning, pour it through open
feed tube. This is especial-
ly useful when making
mayonnaise, bread dough,
cakes and many other
recipes. A small hole in the
pusher allows you to add
liquids in a very slow,
steady stream—useful
when making sauces like
When you want to add
small pieces of food like
cheese, meat or garlic
cloves while machine is
running, drop them through
open feed tube.
To prevent spills when
adding flour, sugar and
other dry ingredients, use
a funnel.
Processed Food
Before removing processed
food, move control switch
to OFF and wait for blade
to stop spinning. Then
remove cover by turning it
clockwise. Never try to
remove cover and work
bowl together; this can
damage work bowl.
If blade continues to turn
when control switch is OFF,
unplug machine before
removing cover. Do not use
machine any further. Call
1-800-726-0190 immediately
for assistance.
After processing liquids,
remove work bowl from
base of processor before
removing metal blade. Turn
handle of bowl clockwise to
unlock bowl from base and
lift bowl straight up.
A locking device on metal
blade prevents it from mov-
ing up on motor shaft while
machine is in use. If blade
holds bowl in a locked
position, jiggle white center
section of blade lightly. It
should release.
It is important not to let
metal blade fall out of work
bowl as you empty it. Here
are three ways to prevent it
from falling out:
1. Before tilting bowl, use
spatula to remove food
from around blade.
Carefully remove blade
by finger grip on top of
center plastic part.
2. Hold top of blade in
place with finger or spat-
ula while pouring out
processed food.
3. Make sure your hands
are dry. Insert finger
through hole in under-
side of bowl and place
thumb on rim of bowl.
Grip inside of blade shaft
firmly to hold blade in
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