Curtis 1620 Manual
page 1
2.7.1 – End of Charge Mode
Figure 1. Charge profile for End of Charge Mode
Figure 1 defines the charge profile for the End of Charge Mode. As long as the
battery voltage (V) is above Undervoltage Lockout Level (Vuvlo), charging will
start after short delay of about 6 seconds. For battery voltage between Vuvlo and
Vlv, charge current will be limited to lower value (Ilv) in order to prevent gassing
damage to the batteries. Good batteries will quickly increase voltage above Vlv
and the 1620 will increase current to Constant Current value (Icc).
This is beginning of a bulk charge, which typically returns 80% of the charge. At
the end of bulk charging, battery voltage has reached Constant Voltage level (Vcv)
and the charger will maintain the voltage by reducing the current (I) gradually.
When the current drops to Icv, charging will stop, at which point the charger has
returned 105-110% of the Ampere-hours discharged.
If the battery is not used, its voltage will slowly drop due to self-discharging.
When battery voltage reaches Restart Voltage (Vrst), the 1620 will turn back on
and fully charge battery again.
Curtis 1620 Manual
page 3