
CyberData Corporation 930106A VoIP Loudspeaker Amplifier Operations Guide
Installing the VoIP Loudspeaker Amplifier
2.2.4 Confirm Operation
After connecting the loudspeaker amplifier to the ethernet hub, use the LEDs on the loudspeaker
amplifier face to confirm that the loudspeaker amplifier is operational and linked to the network.
Figure 2-5. Loudspeaker Amplifier LEDs—Power and Link
Figure 2-6. Loudspeaker Amplifier LEDs—Status and Activity
Table 2-6. Loudspeaker Amplifier LEDs
LED Color Function
Power Blue/Green The power LED is illuminated a steady blue when the power is
on and blue/green when the amplifier is in the high power mode.
Status Green After supplying power to the loudspeaker amplifier:
1. The green Status LED illuminates after approximately five
seconds to indicate the start of the firmware verification and load
2. After approximately 15 seconds, the Status LED begins to
blink at one second intervals to indicate the start of the firmware
boot process.
3. After approximately 35 seconds, the loudspeaker amplifier
beeps once to indicate that it is operational.
4. The Status LED will continue to blink at one second intervals
to indicate normal operation.
Link Green/Ye l l o w The Link LED is illuminated green for a 10Mb link or
yellow/green for a 100Mb link when the network link to the
loudspeaker amplifier is established.
Power LED (blue/green)
Link LED (green/yellow)
Status LED (green)
Activity LED (green)