
17Chapter 4 Board and System Configuration
Parameters that define and apply to interfaces.
Label Description
interf#_begin Marks the beginning of the parameters specific to the #th T1/E1 interface. All
parameters following this label apply only to this interface until interf#_end is reached.
clock_mode Specifies the clock source. Can be either master or slave.
line_code Type of coding used in the line. T1: b8zs or ami, E1: hdb3 or ami.
frame_mode How data is framed. T1: esf, d4 or jesf, E1: crc4, ncrc4.
line_build_out Attenuation on the line. Applies to T1 lines only and the possible values are 0db, -7.5db,
-15db, and -22.5db.
signaling_mode Specifies the signaling mode: pri, cas or none.
profile ras, full, fractional or channelized. This parameter pre-sets several other parameters.
Details are given later in this chapter.
rx_sensitivity Degree of sensitivity for reception. Values are shaul (short haul) and lhaul (long haul).
signaling_type Specifies the kind of signaling used when the CAS signaling mode is chosen. The
possibilities are r2analog, r2digital (for E1) and winks and loops (for T1).
companding_mode E1: alaw or none, T1: ulaw or none.
signaling_tone Applies only when the CAS signaling mode is chosen. The possible values are dtmf and
mfr1 (for T1) and dtmf, mfr2c, mfr2nc and mfr2sc (for E1).
country Specificies the location of the PC400 if CAS signaling mode is being used. The options
are usa, brazil, mexico, romania, india, and itu.
block_collect Valid only for CAS in Brazil. Indicates whether or not collect calls should be blocked.
The valid values are enabled and disabled.