CY7C0837AV, CY7C0830AV
CY7C0831AV, CY7C0832AV
CY7C0832BV, CY7C0833AV
Document #: 38-06059 Rev. *S Page 11 of 28
Figure 5. Scan Chain for 9 Mb Device
Table 4. Identification Register Definitions
Instruction Field Value Description
Revision Number (31:28) 0h Reserved for version number.
Cypress Device ID
(27:12) C090h Defines Cypress part number for CY7C0832AV/CY7C0832BV
C091h Defines Cypress part number for CY7C0831AV
C093h Defines Cypress part number for CY7C0830AV
C094h Defines Cypress part number for CY7C0837AV.
Cypress JEDEC ID (11:1) 034h Allows unique identification of the DP family device vendor.
ID Register Presence (0) 1 Indicates the presence of an ID register.
Table 5. Scan Registers Sizes
Register Name Bit Size
Instruction 4
Bypass 1
Identification 32
Boundary Scan n
Table 6. Instruction Identification Codes
Instruction Code Description
EXTEST 0000 Captures the Input/Output ring contents. Places the BSR between the TDI and TDO.
BYPASS 1111 Places the BYR between TDI and TDO.
IDCODE 1011 Loads the IDR with the vendor ID code and places the register between TDI and TDO.
HIGHZ 0111 Places BYR between TDI and TDO. Forces all device output drivers to a High-Z state.
CLAMP 0100 Controls boundary to 1/0. Places BYR between TDI and TDO.
SAMPLE/PRELOAD 1000 Captures the input/output ring contents. Places BSR between TDI and TDO.
NBSRST 1100 Resets the non-boundary scan logic. Places BYR between TDI and TDO.
RESERVED All other codes Other combinations are reserved. Do not use other than the above.
22.See details in the device BSDL file.
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