Document #: 38-05287 Rev. *I Page 18 of 32
Scan Register Sizes
Register Name Bit Size (x36) Bit Size (x18) Bit Size (x72)
Instruction 3 3 3
Bypass 1 1 1
ID 32 32 32
Boundary Scan Order – 165FBGA 71 52 -
Boundary Scan Order – 209BGA - - 110
Identification Codes
Instruction Code Description
EXTEST 000 Captures IO ring contents. Places the boundary scan register between TDI and
TDO. Forces all SRAM outputs to High-Z state. This instruction is not 1149.1
IDCODE 001 Loads the ID register with the vendor ID code and places the register between TDI
and TDO. This operation does not affect SRAM operations.
SAMPLE Z 010 Captures IO ring contents. Places the boundary scan register between TDI and
TDO. Forces all SRAM output drivers to a High-Z state.
RESERVED 011 Do Not Use: This instruction is reserved for future use.
SAMPLE/PRELOAD 100 Captures IO ring contents. Places the boundary scan register between TDI and
TDO. Does not affect SRAM operation. This instruction does not implement 1149.1
preload function and is therefore not 1149.1 compliant.
RESERVED 101 Do Not Use: This instruction is reserved for future use.
RESERVED 110 Do Not Use: This instruction is reserved for future use.
BYPASS 111 Places the bypass register between TDI and TDO. This operation does not affect
SRAM operation.
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