Document #: 38-08002 Rev. *D Page 31 of 49
The downstream USB ports are designed for connection of USB devices, but can also serve as output ports under firmware
control. This allows unused USB ports to be used for functions such as driving LEDs or providing additional input signals. Pulling
up these pins to voltages above V
may cause current flow into the pin.
This register is not reset by USB bus reset. These bits must be cleared before going into suspend.
An alternate means of forcing the downstream ports is through the Hub Ports Force Low Register (Figure 16-5) Register. With
this register the pins of the downstream ports can be individually forced LOW, or left unforced. Unlike the Hub Downstream Ports
Control Register, above, the Force Low Register does not produce standard USB edge rate control on the forced pins. However,
this register allows downstream port pins to be held LOW in suspend. This register can be used to drive SE0 on all downstream
ports when unconfigured, as required in the USB 1.1 specification.
The data state of downstream ports can be read through the HUB Ports SE0 Status Register (Figure 16-6) and the Hub Ports
Data Register (Figure 16-7). The data read from the Hub Ports Data Register is the differential data only and is independent of
the settings of the Hub Ports Speed Register (Figure 16-2). When the SE0 condition is sensed on a downstream port, the
corresponding bits of the Hub Ports Data Register hold the last differential data state before the SE0. Hub Ports SE0 Status
Register and Hub Ports Data Register are cleared upon reset or bus reset
Bit [0..3]: Port x SE0 Status (where x = 1..4).
Set to 1 if a SE0 is output on the Port x bus; Set to 0 if a Non-SE0 is output on the Port x bus.
Bit [4..7]: Reserved.
Set to 0
Hub Downstream Ports Control Register Address 0x4B
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name Port 4
Control Bit 1
Port 4
Control Bit 0
Port 3
Control Bit 1
Port 3
Control Bit 0
Port 2
Control Bit 1
Port 2
Control Bit 0
Port 1
Control Bit 1
Port 1
Control Bit 0
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Reset 00000000
Figure 16-4. Hub Downstream Ports Control Register
Table 16-1. Control Bit Definition for Downstream Ports
Control Bits
Control ActionBit1 Bit 0
0 0 Not Forcing (Normal USB Function)
0 1 Force Differential ‘1’ (D+ HIGH, D– LOW)
1 0 Force Differential ‘0’ (D+ LOW, D– HIGH)
1 1 Force SE0 state
Hub Ports Force Low Address 0x51
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name Force Low
Force Low
Force Low
Force Low
Force Low
Force Low
Force Low
Force Low
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Reset 00000000
Figure 16-5. Hub Ports Force Low Register
Hub Ports SE0 Status Address 0x4F
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Port 4
SE0 Status
Port 3
SE0 Status
Port 2
SE0 Status
Port 1
SE0 Status
Reset 00000000
Figure 16-6. Hub Ports SE0 Status Register
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