Document 001-05809 Rev. *A Page 28 of 42
0x4F bAlternateSetting Alternate setting 0x00
0x50 bNumEndpoints Number of endpoints used by this interface 0x01
0x51 bInterfaceClass Class code 0x03
0x52 bInterfaceSubClass Sub class 0x00
0x53 bInterfaceSubSubClass Sub Sub class 0x00
0x54 iInterface Index of string descriptor 0x00
USB Interrupt In Endpoint
0x5E bLength Length of this descriptor in bytes 0x07
0x5F bDescriptorType Endpoint descriptor type 0x05
0x60 bEndpointAddress This is an In endpoint, endpoint number 1 0x81
0x61 bmAttributes This is an interrupt endpoint 0x03
0x62 wMaxPacketSize (LSB) Max data transfer size 0x02
0x63 wMaxPacketSize (MSB) 0x00
0x64 bInterval Interval for polling (max. NAK rate) 0x10
(Optional) HID Descriptor
0x55 bLength Length of HID descriptor 0x09
0x56 bDescriptorType Descriptor Type HID 0x21
0x57 bcdHID (LSB) HID Class Specification release number (1.10) 0x10
0x58 bcdHID (MSB) 0x01
0x59 bCountryCode Country Code 0x00
0x5A bNumDescriptors Number of class descriptors (1 report descriptor) 0x01
0x5B bDescriptorType Descriptor Type 0x22
0x5C wDescriptorLength (LSB) Length of HID report descriptor 0x22
0x5D wDescriptorLength (MSB) 0x00
Terminator Descriptors
0x65 Terminator 0x00
(Optional) HID Report Descriptor
0x66 Usage_Page Vendor defined 0x06
0x67 0xA0
0x68 0xFF
0x69 Usage Vendor defined 0x09
0x6A 0xA5
0x6B Collection Application 0xA1
0x6C 0x01
0x6D Usage Vendor defined 0x09
0x6E 0xA6
Input Report
0x6F Usage Vendor defined 0x09
0x70 0xA7
0x71 Logical_Minimum –128 0x15
0x72 0x80
0x73 Logical_Maximum 127 0x25
0x74 0x7F
Table 11.Configuration Data Organization (continued)
Item Name
Item Description
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