Document 001-05809 Rev. *A Page 34 of 42
Legal values for wValue are as follows:
• 0x0000 Internal Config bytes, address range 0x2 – 0xF
• 0x0002 External I
C memory device
Internal Config byte writes must be constrained to addresses 0x2 through 0xF, as shown in Table 12. Attempts to write outside
this address space result in undefined operation. Internal Config byte writes only overwrite AT2LP Configuration Byte registers,
the original data source (I
C memory device) remains unchanged.
This USB request allows data retrieval from the data source specified by the wValue field. Data is retrieved beginning at the
address specified by the wIndex field (see Table 12 ). The wLength field denotes the length in bytes of data requested from the
data source.
Legal values for wValue are as follows:
• 0x0000 Configuration bytes, addresses 0x0 – 0xF only
• 0x0002 External I
C memory device
Illegal values for wValue result in an undefined operation. Attempted reads from an I
C memory device when none is connected
result in an undefined operation. Attempts to read configuration bytes with starting addresses greater than 0xF also, result in an
undefined operation.
Table 12.EEPROM-related Vendor-specific Commands
Label bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data
LOAD_CONFIG_DATA 0x40 0x01 0x0000 30x02 – 0x0F Data Length Configuration
READ_CONFIG_DATA 0xC0 0x02 Data Source Starting Address Data Length Configuration
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