
June 2004 © Cypress MicroSystems, Inc. 2004 — Document No. 38-12009 Rev. *E 36
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Cypress MicroSystems
6.1 Revision History
6.2 Copyrights
© Cypress MicroSystems, Inc. 2004. All rights reserved. PSoC™ (Programmable System-on-Chip™) are trademarks of Cypress MicroSystems, Inc. All other trademarks
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Table 6-1. CY8C22x13 Data Sheet Revision History
Document Title: CY8C22113 and CY8C22213 PSoC Mixed Signal Array Final Data Sheet
Document Number: 38-12009
Revision ECN # Issue Date Origin of Change Description of Change
** 128180 06/30/2003 New Silicon. New document – Advanced Data Sheet (two page product brief).
*A 129202 09/16/2003 NWJ New document – Preliminary Data Sheet (300 page product detail).
*B 130127 10/15/2003 NWJ Revised document for Silicon Revision A.
*C 131679 12/05/2003 NWJ Changes to Electrical Specifications section, Miscellaneous changes to I2C, GDI, RDI,
Registers, and Digital Block chapters.
*D 131803 12/22/2003 NWJ Changes to Electrical Specifications and miscellaneous small changes throughout the
data sheet.
*E 229421 06/03/2004 SFV New data sheet format and organization. Reference the PSoC Mixed Signal Array Tech-
nical Reference Manual
for additional information. Title change.
Distribution: External/Public Posting: None
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