Document Number: 38-12011 Rev. *G Revised December 11, 2008 Page 43 of 43
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CY8C24223, CY8C24423
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Document Title: CY8C24123, CY8C24223, CY8C24423 PSoC
Programmable System-on-Chip™
Document Number: 38-12011
Revision ECN
Orig. of
Description of Change
127043 New Silicon
and NWJ
05/15/2003 New document – Advanced Data Sheet (two page product brief).
128779 NWJ 08/13/2003 New document – Preliminary Data Sheet (300 page product detail).
129775 MWR/NWJ 09/26/2003 Changes to Electrical Specifications section, Register Details chapter, and
chapter changes in the Analog System section.
130128 NWJ 10/14/2003 Revised document for Silicon Revision A.
131678 NWJ 12/04/2003 Changes to Electrical Specifications section, Miscellaneous changes to I2C,
GDI, RDI, Registers, and Digital Block chapters.
131802 NWJ 12/22/2003 Changes to Electrical Specifications and miscellaneous small changes
throughout the data sheet.
229418 SFV 06/04/2004 New data sheet format and organization. Reference the PSoC Programmable
System-on-Chip Technical Reference Manual
for additional information. Title
2619935 ONGE/AESA 12/11/2008 Changed title to “CY8C24123, CY8C24223, CY8C24423 PSoC®
Programmable System-on-Chip™”
Updated package diagrams 51-85188, 51-85024, 51-85014, and 51-85026.
Added note on digital signaling in Table on page 23.
Added Die Sales information note to Ordering Information on page 42.
Updated data sheet template.
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