Document #: 38-07089 Rev. *D Page 5 of 9
Power Management
The individual output enable/freeze control of the Z9973
allows the user to implement unique power management
schemes into the design. The outputs are stopped in the logic
“0” state when the freeze control bits are activated. The serial
input register contains one programmable freeze enable bit for
12 of the 14 output clocks. The QC0 and FB_OUT outputs
cannot be frozen with the serial port, which avoids any
potential lock-up situation should an error occur in loading the
serial data. An output is frozen when a logic “0” is programmed
and enabled when a logic “1” is written. The enabling and
freezing of individual outputs is done in such a manner as to
eliminate the possibility of partial “runt” clocks.
The serial input register is programmed through the SDATA
input by writing a logic “0” start bit followed by 12 NRZ freeze
enable bits (see Figure 2). The period of each SDATA bit
equals the period of the free-running SCLK signal. The SDATA
is sampled on the rising edge of SCLK.
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11
D0-D3 are the control bits for QA0-QA3, respectively
D4-D7 are the control bits for QB0-QB3, respectively
D8-D10 are the control bits for QC1-QC3, respectively
D11 is the control bit for SYNC
Figure 2. SDATA Input Register
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