Diesel Engine Engine Testing
Check the opening pressure.
a. Open valve.
b. Operate lever at one stroke per second.
c. Read pressure indicated when spray begins.
If the opening pressure is out of specification,
disassemble the injector and change the shims in
order to change the opening pressure.
NOTE: .01 mm [0.0039 in] shim thickness equals
41 bar [595 psi].
Leakage Test
a. Open the valve.
b. Operate the lever to hold pressure 20 bar [290
psi] below opening pressure.
c. No drops should fall from the tip within 10
Chatter Test
The chatter test indicates the ability of the needle
valve to move freely and correctly atomize the fuel.
An audible sound should be heard as the valve
rapidly opens and closes. A well optimized spray
pattern should be seen.
Used nozzles should not be evaluated for chatter at
lower speeds. A used nozzle can generally be used if
it passes the leakage test.