
When out of operating for a long time
R e m ove the power supply cord.
D ry your refri g e ra t o r, opening the door for 2-3 day s.
When you get ready to mov e
Securely fasten remova ble interior parts (or move and package them
s e p a ra t e l y ) .
Do not lay your refri g e rator hori zo n t a l l y, or compressor may be damaged.
If refrigerator is not operating:
Is the power supply cord unplugged?
Is home fuse bl o wn or circuit breaker off?
If refrigerator is warmer than usual:
Has the door been open frequently or for a long peri o d ?
If refri g e r ator ove r c r owded preventing good air circulation?
Is the hot thing stored without cooling?
Is the clearance between side and rear plate of the refri g e r ator and the wa l l
a l l o wed sufficiently?
If these are unusual sounds:
Is refri g e r ator placed on the leve l ?
Are foreign objects behind the refri g e ra t o r ?
Are dishes on refri g e rator shelves vibrating?
If so, rearrange the dishes.
B e f ore you calling for service ch e ck a few things as below for yo u rself firs t .
Install refrigerator in a convenient location aw ay from extreme heat and
cold. Allow sufficient clearance about 6 cm between the refrigerator and
rear wall so it is easy for refrigerator to radiate heat.
L e vel refrigerator so it rests solidly on the floor without ro ck i n g .
M a k e sure all packing material is removed. If the shipping tape has left a
residue on the door, clean it with isopropyl alcohol (most ru b bing alcohol is
this type).
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manu facturer or
its service agent or a simmilary qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
The electric plug must be accessible without moving the set.
Changing the internal light bu l b.
Disconnect the refri g e rator from the main supply by removing the plug.
Replace the bulb with one of the correct type and size (15Watt SES
E14 Base).