
Programming Parameters
4400 Series with Windows
Multiple Rows
A single template can specify up to three rows. The \N character is used to
delineate the start of a new row. Ta ble F -9 gives some examples of multiple
row templates.
Table F-9. Multiple Row Template Examples
Multiple Templates
Multiple templates can be created by concatenating templates together. The \R
character is used to concatenate templates. When this character is present it
signifies that the next characters specify a new template. Logically the \R char-
acter is an OR statement meaning that if an OCR string matches any of the
specified templates it will be read. Any number of templates can be concate-
nated as long as the total number of template characters is no greater than 128.
Table F-1 0 shows some examples of multiple templates.
Template (HEX) Sample Description
04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 0D 0C
0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C
A string with one row of 8 digits and one row of
8 upper case letters
41 05 05 05 05 0D 42 05 04 0D
43 04 04 04 04
A string with one row starting with an “A” and
ending with any 4 characters, one row starting
with a “B” and ending with 2 digits, and one row
starting with a “C” and ending with 4 digits.
41 0D 42 0D 43
A string with three rows, the first being “A”, the
second being “B”, and the last being “C”.