Name Description Part Number
C-BOX 100/200 Connection Box 93ACC1510, 93ACC1520
C-BOX 300/310 Connection Box Profibus 93A301000, 93A301030
C-BOX 400/410 Connection Box DeviceNet 93A301010, 93A301040
GFC-41 90° Reading Device 91D081000
OM4000 Oscillating Mirror 93A251030
INT-30 (for C-Box 100) 20 mA Current Loop Interface Board 93A151022
Electrical Connections:
DS4600A is equipped with a cable terminated by a 25-pin female D-sub connector for connection to the power
supply and input/output signals.
Do not connect GND and SGNDs (Main or Aux) to different (external) ground references.
GND and SGNDs (Main and Aux) are internally connected through filtering circuitry which
can be permanently damaged if subjected to voltage drops over 0.8 Vdc.
The details of the connector pins are indicated in the following table:
25-pin D-sub female connector pinout
Pin Name Function
13 VS Power supply input voltage +
25 GND Power supply input voltage -
1 CHASSIS Chassis Ground
9 VS External Trigger supply voltage +
18 EXT TRIG+ External Trigger +
19 EXT TRIG- External Trigger -
6 IN1+ Input 1 +
10 IN1- Input 1 -
14 IN2+ Input 2 +
15 IN2- Input 2 -
8 OUT1 + Output 1 +
22 OUT1- Output 1 -
11 OUT2 + Output 2 +
12 OUT2- Output 2 -
20 RXAUX Auxiliary RS232
21 TXAUX Auxiliary RS232
23 SGND Aux Signal Ground Auxiliary interface
24 GND Power Supply Voltage -
16 Reserved
17 Reserved
25-pin female connector
Pin RS232
2 TX232 TX485+ RTX485+
3 RX232 RX485+
4 RTS232 TX485- RTX485-
5 CTS232 RX485-
7 SGND Main SGND Main SGND Main