Downloading Data
You will be ready to download data into DriveRight FMS once the software
has been configured, the data connection to the computer has been established,
and the CarChip or DriveRight has been added to the database.
To download data:
1. Connect the CarChip or DriveRight to the computer.
Note: The DriveRight device must be active (LCD screen display on) to download data. Press
MODE on the device if the LCD is blank.
2. Click DriveRight->Download to download a
DriveRight device or click CarChip->Download
to download CarChip. You can also download
using the DriveRight and CarChip icons on the
To download data wirelessly:
1. Click Wireless->Start Manual Download or select
the wireless download icon on the toolbar.
Note: You must have all the products in the Wireless Download System (# 8127 or # 8251, and
# 8129, # 8130, # 8131) available to download DriveRight 600, 600
E, or CarChip Fleet
Pro data wirelessly to DriveRight FMS. See the DriveRight FMS Online Help or the GPS/
Wireless System Installation Manual for more information.
Note: The optional DriveRight Palm Download Kit (# 8181) allows you to transfer data from a
DriveRight device to a Palm PDA, then download the data from the Palm into DriveRight
FMS. The SmartCard system (# 8105, 8108, 8112) allows you to transfer data from a
DriveRight to a computer through a SmartCard.
Calibrating DriveRight Devices
A DriveRight device must be properly calibrated to accurately record trip
information. The DriveRight User’s Guide includes information on calibrating
a DriveRight device in the vehicle. You can also calibrate a DriveRight device
using FMS if you have some basic information about the vehicle.
Note: CarChips receive vehicle speed from the OBDII computer and do not require calibration.
DriveRight Icon
CarChip Icon