Welcome to CarChip
Trouble Log Summary View Date and time, vehicle ID, trouble code, problem description
Trouble Log Problem View Date and time, vehicle ID, CarChip ID, trouble code, problem
description, comments, OBDII freeze frame info (parameters
included in freeze frame vary from car to car)
Data Options
Supported Unit Systems U.S., Metric, S.I., custom
Vehicle Speed Sampling Interval 1, 5, 10, 20, 30 or 60 seconds
Other Parameters Sampling Intervals
(E/X only)
5, 10, 20, 30, or 60 seconds
Vehicle Speed Bands 4, user configurable, use to identify typical vs atypical
vehicle operation
Calculated Data Hard and extreme braking, hard and extreme acceleration
Data Parameters for CarChip and CarChip E/X
Parameter Range* Resolution*
Vehicle Speed 0 to 158 mph, 0 to 255 kph, 0 to 70
0.6 mph, 1 kph, 0.3
Trip Distance Traveled 0 to 10,000 miles, 0 to 16,000 km 0.1 m, 0.1 km
0 to 3 G, 0 to 30 m/sec
0.03 G, 0.3 m/sec
*Range and resolution of sensor measurements only. Accuracy is dependent on the accuracy of the
vehicle’s sensors.
Data Parameters for CarChip E/X Only
Parameter Range* Resolution*
Engine Speed 0 to 16,384 rpm 1 rpm
Throttle Position 0 to 100% 0.1%
Coolant Temperature -40° to +420°F, -40° to +215°C 2°F, 1°C
Engine Load 0 to 100% 0.1%
Air Flow Rate 0 to 8714 lb/min, 0 to 655.35
0.1 lb/min, 0.01
Intake Air Temperature -40° to +420°F, -40° to +215°C 2°F, 1°C
Intake Manifold Pressure 0 to 75 in. hg., 0 to 255 kPaA 0.3 in. hg., 1 kPaA