Welcome to CarChip
How CarChip Works
The CarChip Pro plugs into the OBDII port in many 1996 or newer cars or trucks to record trip and
performance data. This data is then downloaded into your PC computer, providing a detailed look at how
the vehicle was driven, including trip start and end times, vehicle speeds, rates of acceleration and
braking, and also any OBDII trouble codes detected during the trip. The CarChip software displays vehicle
data in summary, plot or table format, and can also be exported to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
The CarChip Pro also logs additional engine and vehicle data parameters, including an accident log which
records 20 seconds of vehicle speed history prior to every sudden stop.
Use CarChip Pro (# 8226) for:
• Troubleshooting your car - Records trouble codes and displays freeze frames of sensor readings.
• Logging your car's performance - Records acceleration, deceleration, and speed.
• Recording trip information - Records dates, starts and stops, and distance.
• Clearing your car's check engine light - Checks your car's sensors and turns off the check engine
• Engine performance data logging - Log up to 4 of 23 available data parameters.
• Creating an Accident Log for every extreme stop.
• Announcing to driver when speed, braking, and acceleration thresholds have been
exceeded - Gives off an audible alarm when thresholds have been broken.
Use CarChip Fleet Pro (# 8246) for:
• Downloading car information to both the CarChip software and the DriveRight Fleet
Management Software (# 8186)
See Also:
CarChip Installation
What is OBDII
Information on Discontinued CarChip Models
CarChip Installation
The following help topics show you how to connect CarChip to your car, to your computer, and how to
install the CarChip software. This information is also included in the CarChip packaging.
Connecting the CarChip Pro to a Car
Connecting the CarChip Pro to a Computer
Installing CarChip Software
Connecting an Older Model CarChip to a Computer
Installing CarChip in your Car
Follow these steps to install the CarChip data logger in your car.
1. Find the OBDII port on your car.