Current Weather Mode
Screen 14: Baud Rate
Note: The baud rate setting on your console must match the serial port setting in the soft-
ware on your computer. If you are using WeatherLink for Vantage Pro2, refer to
WeatherLink help for instructions on setting the serial port baud rate on your com-
1. Press the up and down arrows to select the baud rate.
Vantage Pro2 supports baud rates of 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400,
and 19200.
2. You have completed the console setup. To exit Setup Mode, press and
hold DONE until the current weather screen appears.
Clear All Command
After you have completed the above setup procedures and have exited the
Setup Mode, please use the Clear All command before putting your
weather station into service.
The Clear All command clears all stored high and low weather data includ-
ing monthly and yearly highs and lows and clears the alarm settings. The
command is recommended to properly clear and initialize the console’s
data logging function.
1. Press WIND on the console.
2. Press 2ND, then press and hold CLEAR for at least six seconds.
3. Release CLEAR when you see “CLEARING NOW” displayed at the
bottom of the console’s screen.
Current Weather Mode
In the Current Weather Mode you can display the current data readings
from your station, select units of measure, and calibrate, set, or clear
weather variables. You can see up to ten weather variables on the screen at
the same time, as well as the time and date, the moon and forecast icons, a
forecast or special message from your station, and a graph of the currently
selected variable. A few variables are always visible on the console screen