Input SW2 (ALL 05) (door microswitch alarm)
Cause: Input active for more than 5 minutes with appliance in start status.
Door open (close door) Microswitch fault (replace the microswitch)
Beeper: Activated (3 seconds, then a pause of 30 seconds) until the mute button is pressed.
Display: Alternates message “ALL 05” with standard display
Reset: Press the mute push-button (with beeper o).
Automatically resets if input value returns to normal Alternatively, switch o the panel
then turn it back on (stand-by).
Input SW1 alarm (ALL 06) (T5 and T14D models only)
(High pressure switch) for all models
(Compressor thermal-magnetic switch) if installed
(Oil di. pressure switch) if installed
Cause: Input active for more than 5 seconds
Eect: Sets the appliance to STOP.
Reset the max. pressure switch, thermal-magnetic switch or dierential pressure switch.
Beeper: Activated (3 seconds, then a pause of 30 seconds) until the mute button is pressed.
Display: Alternates message “ALL 06” with standard display
Reset: Press the mute push-button (with beeper o) with no alarm cause displayed
Input SW3 alarm (ALL 08)
(Kriwan compressor automatic reset) only for T14D
(Thermostat on the discharge line)
Cause: Input active for more than ve seconds at least three times when appliance is in start mode
Eect: Compressor shuts down and resumes operation when input value returns to normal.
The appliance sets to STOP at third alarm.
Beeper: Activated (3 seconds, then a pause of 30 seconds) until the mute button is pressed.
Display/Led: Alternates message “ALL 08” with standard display
Reset: Press the mute push-button (with beeper o).
Alternatively, switch o the panel then turn it back on (stand-by).
Input Ht1 alarm (ALL 09) (Input in voltage 1 ... fuses).
Input Ht2 alarm (ALL 10) (Input in voltage 2 ... fuses)