
Finding Information 11
Solutions — Troubleshooting hints and tips, articles
from technicians, online courses, frequently
asked questions
Community — Online discussion with other
Dell customers
Upgrades — Upgrade information for components, such
as memory, the hard drive, and the operating system
Customer Care — Contact information, service call and
order status, warranty, and repair information
Service and support — Service call status and support
history, service contract, online discussions with
technical support
Reference — Computer documentation, details on my
computer configuration, product specifications, and
white papers
Downloads — Certified drivers, patches, and
software updates
— If you reinstall the operating system for your
computer, you should also reinstall the NSS utility.
NSS provides critical updates for your operating system
and support for Dell™ 3.5-inch USB floppy drives,
M processors, optical drives, and
USB devices. NSS is necessary for correct operation of
your Dell computer. The software automatically detects
your computer and operating system and installs the
updates appropriate for your configuration.
Dell Support Website — support.dell.com
NOTE: Select your region to view the appropriate
support site.
NOTE: Corporate, government, and education customers
can also use the customized Dell Premier Support website
at premier.support.dell.com. The website may not be
available in all regions.
How to use Windows XP
Documentation for my computer
Documentation for devices (such as a modem)
Windows Help and Support Center
Click the
button and click
Help and Support
Type a word or phrase that describes your problem and
click the arrow icon.
Click the topic that describes your problem.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
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