Messages and Codes 3-5
iagnostics Messages
When you run a test group or subtest in the system diag-
nostics, an error message may result. These particular
error messages are not covered in this chapter. Record the
message on a copy of the Diagnostics Checklist found in
Appendix A; then see Chapter 11, “Getting Help,” for
instructions on obtaining technical assistance.
lert Log Messages From the
Dell HIP Program
The Dell HIP server management application program
generates alert messages that can be configured to appear
in the simple network management protocol (SNMP) trap
log file. To see the trap log, select any enterprise under
the SNMP trap log icon. More information about the
Alert Log window and options is provided in the Dell
HIP online help and the Dell HIP User’s Guide.
Alert log messages consist of information, status, warn-
ing, and failure messages for drive, temperature, fan, and
power conditions. They can assist you with identifying a
problem and may provide you with information to help
you resolve the problem. Alert log and other messages
are explained in the Dell HIP online help.
CSI Hard-Disk Drive Indicator
The three light-emitting diode (LED) indicators (see Fig-
ure 2-2) adjacent to each of the six small computer
system interface (SCSI) hard-disk drive bays provide
information on the status of the SCSI hard-disk drives.
The SCSI backplane firmware controls the drive online
and drive fault indicators, while the drive access indicator
is usually controlled by the drive itself.
Table 3-3 lists the drive indicator patterns established by
the SCSI backplane firmware. Different patterns are dis-
played as drive events occur in the system. For example,
in the event of a hard-disk drive failure, the “drive failed”
pattern appears. After the drive is selected for removal,
the “drive being prepared for removal” pattern appears,
followed by the “drive ready for insertion or removal”
pattern. After the replacement drive is installed, the
“drive being prepared for operation” pattern appears, and
then the “drive online” pattern appears.
Table 3-3. SCSI Hard-Disk Drive Indicator
Status Indicator Pattern
Identify drive All three drive indicators
blink simultaneously.
Drive being prepared
for removal
The three drive indicators
flash sequentially.
Drive ready for inser-
tion or removal
All three indicators are off.
Drive being prepared
for operation
The drive online indicator is
on; the drive activity indica-
tor may flash briefly.
Drive bay empty All three indicators are off.
Drive predicted fail-
The drive online indicator
turns off; the drive fault indi-
cator blinks on briefly each
Drive failed The drive online indicator
turns off; the drive fault indi-
cator blinks off briefly each
Drive rebuilding The drive online indicator
blinks rapidly.
Drive online The drive online indicator is